You are looking for employees?

Then we are the right partner for you!
We find the right employees for companies in Heek and the local area!

As a temporary employment agency from the Münsterland region, we offer you attractive conditions through our personnel leasing. With fixed hourly rates, your personnel costs are easy to calculate and offer you maximum planning security. In addition, all administrative tasks are eliminated for you, which further reduces your costs and frees up resources in your company. In addition, you no longer have to make any payments in the event of illness, vacation or public holidays.

We guarantee fair pay to our employees, who also receive vacation and christmas bonuses as well as shift allowances. We pay above the industry average and offer flexible working hours. This promotes a high level of employee satisfaction, improves integration into your team and this ensures above average performance.

Your advantages

Contact us - we look forward to your inquiry!

We at Knierbein Trockenbau GmbH have been working with Mr. Moskwa for over 10 years and would like to thank the Managing Director of Facharbeiterzentrum Münsterland GmbH for this excellent cooperation.

Burkhard Knierbein Knierbein Trockenbau GmbH

We work with the FAZ because we place particular value on flexibility and reliability from our suppliers.

Matthias Tenhumberg Elektrotechnik Wegener

The Facharbeiterzentrum Münsterland provided us with reliable and flexible employees. As a result, our customers and we were completely happy!

Ralf Beeke B&W Elektrotechnik